Health can be your greatest strength
Daniel Rudy CAT(C), B.Kin.-AT
Daniel graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2016 with a Bachelor of Kinesiology - Athletic Therapy degree. During his time at the University, he spent time working with the Bison Men's Volleyball Team and various hockey teams throughout Manitoba. He also took part in a one week internship with the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League in February 2016. Upon graduation, Daniel completed the CATA National Certification Exam in June 2016 to become a certified Athletic Therapist.
Daniel Has worked as an Athletic Therapist since August 2016, and is specialised in treating injuries involving muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. He also specialises in treating chronic pain conditions, as well as helping patients increase overall strength and fitness. Anybody can benefit from seeing Daniel for Athletic Therapy. Following certification, Daniel has taken continuing educational courses to become certified in both Acupuncture and Myofascial Cupping.